A chalazion is a small, slow-growing, inflammatory lump or swelling in the eyelids, it usually occurs in the upper eyelids but also appears in lower eyelids and it is painless swelling.
A chalazion is usually harmless, it is not a tumor or growth and it is usually self-limiting within one week
Chalazion and stye -there are differences in both conditions both occur on eyelids but chalazion id differ from stye because
- Generally, a stye is a painful condition and chalazion is painless,
- Stye occur due to infection of the meibomian gland but chalazion occurs due to blockage of the meibomian gland , chalazion may develop after styes
There are various risk factors that cause chalazion such as
- Inflammatory disease - chalazion is more occur in those people who have an underlying inflammatory condition of the skin or eyes. These are chronic blepharitis, acne rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, less commonly due to viral conjunctivitis.
- It is common in those people who don’t maintain the lid hygiene
- It is more common in adults from 30 to 50
- Viral infection
- A person with high blood lipid concentration
- Leishmaniasis
- stress also promote this condition
- Any trauma to eyelids
- Eyelids surgery
- trachoma
- Tuberculosis
- Skin cancer
- Diabetes
- Loss of eyelashes -if chalazion occurs in a repeated manner it leads to the loss of eyelashes.
- Dry eyes -due to blocking of the meibomian gland can lead to dry eyes.
- Cosmetic problem-chalazion leads to a cosmetic problem, due to repeated chalazion in eyelids it leads to a disfigurement of eyelids. Surgery for chalazion leaves a scar on eyelids.
- Recurrence -generally if chalazion subsides then it will not come back again, but in some cases, chalazion occurs again and again.
- Orbital cellulitis- generally chalazion is not infected but in some case, it becomes infected and spread to other parts of the eyes, and cause symptoms such as-extreme redness, swelling, tenderness, etc. All these problems cause difficulty in opening the eyes, and sometimes patients may get a fever, chills, popping out of eyes, photophobia.
- Astigmatism - if the chalazion is bigger it leads to pressure on the cornea and causes abnormal curvature of the cornea as a result it causes difficulty in proper vision.
- Initially, it looks like a small, red inflamed area on eyelids.
- Gradually inflammation increases which looks like a lump, it occurs on the upper or lower eyelids
- Swelling is painless
- Swelling is firm or hard to touch
- It may cause blurring of vision or block the vision but it depends on the size, and location of the chalazion, particularly large size chalazion press the eyeball and cause these problems.
- Sometimes may cause watery eyes and mild irritation.
- If chalazion becomes infected it may become red, swollen, and painful. But it is a less common condition.
- Normally meibomian gland also called tarsal glands present in eyelids, there are 30 to 40 in each of the upper and about 25 in lower lids, the function of this gland is to produce an oily substance, this oily substance mixed with the tears and protect the eyes from the evaporation of the eyes tear film, but in chalazion, these meibomian glands become blocked or this oily substance becomes thick due to any inflammatory condition or maybe any virus. It leads to the formation of chalazion.
- Inflammatory conditions like seborrhea, acne, rosacea, chronic blepharitis, or any long-term inflammatory condition of the eyes.
- A chalazion is more common in case of viral conjunctivitis or infection of the eyes and eyelids
- To diagnose the Chalazion an eye examination is required. During an eye examination, the usually painless lump is found, which is firm swelling.
- The doctor may ask about the symptoms such as redness, watery discharge present or not, any itching, pain to rule out other conditions.
- Any past history of eye disease.
- Sometimes doctors require a biopsy to rule out any growth such as benign or malignant growth.
- Some chalazion may heal on their own within one week but in some cases, treatment is required.
- Conventional treatments is antiseptic drops or ointments or remove surgical procedure
- Sometimes an injection of steroids may be given
- All these treatments are not safe and permanent homeopathy are the best option because it gives a permanent cure
- Use warm compression for about 10 to 15 minutes in the affected area, it softens any hardening which causes blocking of the gland duct. warm compression open the duct and promotes blood circulation to the inflamed area .repeat this process several times a day for best results
- Massage - daily massage the eyelids gently for a few minutes it also promotes the draining of oil ducts.
- Avoid eye makeup or wearing contact lenses until chalazion heels .because make and lense can cause more irritation to eyes.
- Clean the eyes properly every day it prevent from further developing
- Don't irritate the chalazion by rubbing the eyes
- If you touch your eyes please ensure your hand must be clean
- Always wear sunglasses whenever going outside from home, it protects the eyes from dust, air pollution, and sun rays.
- Change your eye makeup after every six months, it reduces the chances of infection
- Do not harm the chalazion like pop, poke, stab, puncture or scratch because this activity can lead to scarring and clogging again.
Homeopathy treats this condition in a very good manner also prevent surgery, homeopathic medicine is a better option because
- It reduces the occurrence
- It reduces the symptoms such as swelling redness, discomfort
- It is safe and effective and harmless to other organs
- It removes the cause and gives permanent relief
Some homeopathic medicine are thuja ,apis,pulsatilla,staphysagria,calc carb,silicea ,sulphur ,graphites,calc flour .
- Do warm compression
- Maintain eye, hygiene always wash eyes.
- Massage the eyes regularly
- Change your makeup within 6 months
- Protect your eyes from sunglasses
- Always touch the eyes with a clean hand
- Eat healthy diet
- Keep hydrated
- Don’t share your eye makeup
- Avoid harming the chalazion
- Don't scratch or puncture
- Avoid smoking and alcohol
- Avoid sharing hankies, towels.
- Avoid wearing lenses during chalazion
- Don't rub your eyes
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