Osteopenia is a state of bone between being healthy and having osteoporosis. In osteopenia, your bones get weaker but not to a stage of getting fractured easily. The bone density of your bones gets lesser day by day.
This decrease in the mass, mineralization and strength of the bones over time can cause osteoporosis(a condition in which in which the bones become brittle, weak, and easily damaged or broken).
Osteopenia doesn’t usually cause pain or any other symptoms.
It happens when formation of new bone is not proportionate to rate of bone loss.This leads to decrease in bone density.
The main test to determine your bone density is called dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA). It measures the mineral content of bone.
The aim of treatment is to keep osteopenia from progressing into osteoporosis.
Various medications along with supplements are given to manage the case. But their long term effects on the body are not known.
Apart from use of constitutional medicines, some commonly used other medicicnes are- calc carb, silicea, calc phos, symphytum etc. These above mentioned medicicnes are to be used only under the guidance of a registered homoeopath.
Decrease the amount of caffeine, alcohol and smoking.
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