It is a condition in which there are softening of bones because of deficiency of vitamin D and thereby of calcium too. As a result, the bones get weak and can get fractured easily. Because of deficiency of vitamin D and calcium, there is decreased mineralisation of bones leading to its breakdown faster than it can remodel.This condition is only seen in adults. Its counterpart in children is called rickets.
Common risk factors includes: People with
Lack of proper sun exposure
Malabsorptive diseases
Postmenopausal women
If left untreated, it can cause easy fractures and severe deformity in adults.
Symptoms can return if not enough vitamin D is available or you stop taking supplements in the middle of treatment.
The most common symptom is bones that fracture easily.
Muscle weakness
Bone pain especially of - lower back, pelvis, legs and ribs.
Because of calcium deficiency-
Patients can also have difficulty in walking and may develop a waddling gait.
Osteomalacia develops most commonly due to vitamin D deficiency, calcium and phosphate.
It can either happen due to dietary deficiency, inadequate sun absorption or
People with osteomalacia may have-
X-rays and other imaging techniques to see small cracks in bones that can easily turn into fractures with easy falls.
Bone mineral density is done to see if there is any evidence of osteomalacia.
Vitamin D and calcium supplements are given either in tablet or intravenous form to treat the deficiency and hence its symptoms.
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