Tamaria Clinic : Homeopathy | Counseling | Nutrition


Homeopathic medicines for allergic bronchitis are:

  1. Arsenica Album: This medication is usually prescribed for people who have general weakness in the body that accompanies bronchitis. Some of the other indications wherein Arsenica Album may be prescribed may include restlessness and increased coughing after midnight and wheezing.
  2. Antimonium Tartaricum: This is another very effective medication when there is rattling in the chest. However, although you can feel a lot of mucus within, very little of it tends to come out. Antimonium Tartaricum is very effective in such cases. Another indication for this medication is the worsening of the coughing after eating.
  3. Pulsatilla: If you have a lot of mucosal discharge after coughing which is yellow to greenish in color, then Pulsatilla may be prescribed for you. Some of the other indications wherein Pulsatilla is usually prescribed are a lack of thirst and the cough worsening while lying down which may force you to sit up. Cough also tends to be loose in the morning and becomes drier in the evening.
  4. Bryonia: Another allrounder medication very effective in treating multiple disorders, Bryonia is very effective in treating Bronchitis as well. Some of the indications where this medication is prescribed would be extreme thirst, dry cough, dryness of the mucosal membranes in general, pain in the head and chest while coughing and the cough starting when getting into a warmer room.
  5. Hepar Sulph: An overtly increased sensitivity to cold air or coldness, in general, is the prime indicator for this homeopathic medication. Any exposure to coldness immediately triggers a cough and the coughing tends to be worse in the morning. You may also rattle excessively from cold and wheezing may also be present.

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