Tamaria Clinic : Homeopathy | Counseling | Nutrition


Pain in the back can be due to a number of reasons. It may be habitual, occupational, sports-related, or idiopathic. Following medicines are useful in treating back pain:

  1. Sulphur: It is a great remedy for patients who have back pain due to a slouching posture and whose pain worsens when they stand up.
  2. Ruta Graveolens: It is the remedy of choice in cases the patient experiences stiffness in joint or muscles, accompanied with feeling of soreness and lameness all over the back.
  3. Aesculus: It is a good homeopathic remedy in cases of very low back pain, which gets worse when the patient tried to stand upright from a previously sitting position.
  4. Rhus Toxicodendron: It is a recommended medicine in cases of pain of the lower back, shoulders and neck. Pain is worsened by damp and cold weather and by movement. Relief to such pain is provided by massage, hot baths, and warm applications.
  5. Arnica: This homeopathic gel is popular for its good effect on soft tissues and muscular pain.
  6. Nux Vomica: It is a great remedy for cases where pain gets worse by damp and cold weather, especially at night and painful muscle cramps are experienced in the lower back.
  7. Ignatia: It is a good remedy for emotional distress and for pain in the muscles of the lower back.
  8. Natrum Muriaticum: It is indicated for use in the pain of the lower back, which gets better from lying down on a hard surface.
  9. Bryonia: It is recommended in cases of strong pain in the lower back that prevents the patient from even moving, turning from side to side in the bed, coughing, or making any kind of sudden movement.
  10. Kali Carbonicium: It is a good remedy for patients who have frequent and strong night pains, accompanied with increased back pain during menses.
    In addition to these, there are other homeopathic remedies that are recommended in cases of back pain such as Cimifuga, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Phosphorica, Dulcamara, etc. To accurately understand which medication needs to be taken under which condition, it s always wise to consult a homeopathic doctor before popping in any globules.

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