PCOD/PCOS is a combination of symptoms produced by imbalance in the hormones (fall in female hormones and hike in male hormones) in the female. The imbalance of hormone causes irregularity in periods and sometimes even amenorrhoea (absence of menses). Further there is no release of egg (due to increase in levels of male hormone/ androgens) and cysts are formed on the periphery of the ovaries. Due to high male hormones there in thinning of hair of scalp and hairiness on other body parts.
In PCOS insulin resistance may also be seen which does not let insulin act in the body and cause increase in levels of glucose which may further stimulate the body to produce more insulin to combat high levels of glucose in the body. These high levels of insulin would cause ovaries to produce more androgens/ male hormone (testosterone). This would further exaggerate the symptoms in the female.
Few tips and dietary management with change in the lifestyle of the patient can help her fight with the symptoms of PCOS.
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