FACT: Homoeopathy is an ancient system of medicine and is the second most prevalent system all around the world. The system is based on certain laws supported by logic and experimental data. Medicines are prepared by certain method so that harmful crude substances with medicinal value can be used and therapeutic value can be increased. For preparing a medicine a small unit of crude drug is mixed in a certain way (potentisation)with vehicle substance (powder or alcohol) to prepare a potency (power) and to make subsequent potency one part of previous potency is mixed with vehicle thus the medicine decreases in quantity but increases quality wise. Hence as the potency increases the medicinal content reaches to infinity level, there is ultra dilution beyond Avogadro number and can’t be extracted in a lab. It’s effect can be seen during human trials.
Scientific double blind trials are conducted to assess the therapeutic value of the drug and there are millions of observations and healing proofs which justify that homoeopathy is much beyond placebo effect.
FACT: There are medicines prepared from onion, garlic and these medicines antidote the effect of certain medicines. But this doesn’t mean that you need to avoid them with every medicine. You can take them with homeopathic medicines by keeping a gap of half and hour or so.
FACT: Coffee has side effects on its own and always alter digestion. A medicine is also prepared from coffee. But it is advisable to avoid it though once a day is fine if it can’t be avoided.
FACT: time taken by a homeopathic medicine to act and heal depends on the disease to be treated as in case of chronic diseases it takes time to show effects and heal as a disease which is 10-15 years old should not be expected to get cured in 5-10 days. Although in acute cases homeopathic medicines act very fast and show instant effect as in cases like eczema, allergies, migraine etc.
FACT: Homoeopathy is a good alternative method for treatment of cold, cough, otitis, pain, headache etc. homoeopathy can treat every sort of illness and not only chronic ones.
FACTS: Homoeopathy can treat every sort of infection unless the infection is severe enough to degrade the vitality of the being where we opt for antibiotics along with homeopathic medicines. But soon homoeopathy would be the latest generation of antibiotic measure.
FACT: Medicines are always selected on the basis of the symptoms, susceptibility of the patient and the condition (stage) of the disease so that unwanted aggravation can be avoided. But is some cases where the patient approaches us after long suppression of symptoms, aggravation may be seen after administration of the medicine which is nothing but a part of cure where the disease is brought to the surface before cure. This aggravation would disappear in due course of treatment.
FACTS: Homeopathic medicines are prepared from various sources like plants, animal source, mineral source etc and medicines are prepared by specific methods only. There are specific standards of preparation of medicines.
FACTS: Like every other system homoeopathy also has certain limitations and diseases which are advanced enough that there is no chance of reversal of the vitality; homoeopathy can give palliative treatment.
FACTS: homoeopathy can never replace surgical intervention where it is a necessity. Homoeopathy can always give additional help in such cases but can’t treat the case with medicines alone. For example- in case of fractures mechanical aid is necessary as alignment of bone is required for reunion of bone.
FACTS: There is no harm in taking other medicines with homoeopathic medicines.
FACTS: Diagnosis and investigations are always important even in homoeopathy as we need to know the prognosis of the case and to know the exact state of the case so that required interventions can be made, the patient could be advised properly on do’s and don’ts. Proper counseling can be given on the basis of diagnosis only.
FACTS: Proper qualification and training is required and degree is given to the students after rigorous training only once they fulfill the standards. Only a degree holding doctor can practice homoeopathy.
FACTS: Round pills are just the vehicle and not the medicine. Medicine is the liquid and all the medicines can be dispensed in the vehicle. So its a myth that same medicine is given to everyone.
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