Tamaria Clinic : Homeopathy | Counseling | Nutrition


Being safe and gentle homeopathy is considered best for treatment of a child. Whether it is colic, teething troubles, behavioral disturbances, hyperactive disorder, recurrent cold/ cough, fever, worms, diarrhoea/vomiting, failure to thrive, recurrent tonsillitis, adenoids, autism etc.

  • Homeopathic medicines are apt for your child as the pills are sweet in taste and child takes the medicine with pleasure. The medicines does not cause any nausea or vomiting as they are not bitter in taste and saves the child from weeping, crying and discomfort. Every child is afraid of injections and since homeopathic medicines can be administered orally even in comatose child also; giving trouble neither to the parents nor to the child.
  • Homeopathic medicines boost immunity of the child and help the child to build immunity so that the child doesn’t fall sick often which allows the child to develop nicely in every sphere.
  • Homeopathy follows the constitutional approach and there are thousands of medicines for diseases of children and no antibiotics or heavy medication is given to the child.
  • Children have high susceptibility and sensitivity thus show quicker response to homeopathic medicines thus healing them more quickly and effectively.
  • Homeopathic medicines are safe and gentle on the child and doesn’t have any side-effect on the child’s immunity, digestion or activeness; leaving them playful and lively.

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